nicla driven development


JSON(b) query language for postgresql

New binary storage for JSON with name JSONB was introduced in Postgresql 9.4 by Russian pg team.

This feature merge advantages document & relational databases. Next challenge for pg team is advanced and efficient search among jsonb documents (jsquery and VODKA).

This article is light introduction into new postgresql extension jsquery - query language for jsonb documents. This project is under active development and looks very promising.

Let's try it!


To start we need postgresql with version 9.4 and jsquery extension.

They are not yet available as binary packages so we gonna use docker to build postgresql 9.4 in container for quick start and sandboxing.

Install docker.

You can run docker image niquola/jsquery from docker hub:

docker run --name=jsquery -i -t niquola/posgresql:v9.4 /bin/bash

or build it from Dockerfile:

cd /tmp
mkdir pg-jsquery
cd  pg-jsquery
# read/edit Dockerfile
docker build -t pg .
docker run --name=jsquery -i -t pg

This image contains postgresql-9.4 built from sources. All pg executables are in /home/dba/bin directory. There is initialized cluster in /home/dba/data directory. Fill free change Dockerfile to meet your expectations about postgresql installation.

Let's start postgres cluster. Inside container:

cd /home/dba
bin/pg_ctl -D data start # press enter if no shell prompt :)
bin/psql postgres
psql> \q # to exit

Install jsquery

Let's install jsquery from sources. In container:

cd /home/db
cd src/contrib
git clone

cd jsquery
make && make install && make installcheck

Also install pgcrypto (we gonna use uuids):

cd /home/db/src/contrib/pgcrypto
make && make install && make installcheck

Setup database

In psql create new database, connect to it and create jsquery extension:

cd /home/dba
bin/psql postgres

create database day_of_jsquery;
\c day_of_jsquery
# you can use psql autocompletition
# start printing name of database or command and press tab

create extension jsquery;
create extension pgcrypto;

# create table
create table repos ( id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid(), content jsonb);

\d repos

# load into *repos* var repos from github
\set repos `curl`

INSERT INTO repos (content)
  SELECT jsonb_array_elements(repos);

# lets select repository names
select content->'name' from repos;

# lets make first jsquery
SELECT content->'name'
  FROM repos
 WHERE content @@ 'name="postgres";

Read json & jsonb functions documentation and fill free to play with functions & repos table -

Load test data from health it standard FHIR

In psql create table for resource:

CREATE TABLE resources ( id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid(), content jsonb);

NOTE: psql support search in history - press and start typing part of previous command (for example create ta) then press tab to navigate options.

Go to shell (press ctrl-z):

cd /home/db
sudo apt-get install wget unzip
# download data
# unzip
unzip *.zip -d fhir
# list
ls -lah fhir
# here is evil command 👿, which load FHIR data into `resources` table

ls fhir/*json | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo -e "\set js \`cat {}\`\n INSERT INTO resources (content) SELECT :\x27js\x27::jsonb" | bin/psql day_of_jsquery'

Go back to psql (fg or start it again bin/psql dayofjsquery):

SELECT count(*) FROM resources;

Here we are ready to start play with jsquery!


jsquery does not yet have documentation. Best place to find information is to look at tests

-- let's find all patients by resourceType

SELECT content->'name'
FROM resources
WHERE content @@ 'resourceType="Patient"'

-- let's find all Henry
SELECT content->'name'
FROM resources
WHERE content @@ '(resourceType="Patient" AND name.#.given @> ["Henry"])'

-- or like this

SELECT content->'name'
FROM resources
WHERE content @@ '*.given @> ["Henry"]'

To query jsonb document we use expression: column @@ '<jsquery expression>'.

We could parse/cast text as jsquery using: select 'asd(zzz < 13)'::jsquery;.

jsquery grammar is described in jsquery_gram.y.

Here is link to visualized & simplified EBNF rules

20 Aug 2014 niquola

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